Search for Preliminary Figures

Comparison between the measured Λc-h azimuthal correlation distributions and PYTHIA8 predictions
Comparison between Λc-h and D-h azimuthal correlation distributions measured in the transverse momentum interval 3 < pT(trigger) < 5 GeV/c and 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Fully corrected jet angularity distributions of D0-tagged jet compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 for $\alpha=1$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
Measurement of the groomed jet mass in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 5.02$ TeV from $80 < p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{ch\;jet} < 100$ GeV/$c$ with $R=0.2$
Measurement of the groomed jet mass in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 5.02$ TeV from $80 < p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{ch\;jet} < 100$ GeV/$c$ with $R=0.2$
Response matrix for R=0.3 jets in central Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Corrected jet $p_{T,jet}$ distribution with $p_{T}^{lead} > 5$ GeV/c for central Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Raw correlated inclusive jet $p_{T,jet}^{reco}$ distribution for central Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Raw correlated quasi-inclusive jet $p_{T,jet}^{reco}$ distribution with $p_{T}^{lead} > 5$ GeV/c for central Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Raw inclusive jet $p_{T,jet}^{reco}$ distribution of the SE and ME for central Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Raw quasi-inclusive jet $p_{T,jet}^{reco}$ distribution of the SE and ME with $p_{T}^{lead} > 5$ GeV/c for central Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Invariant Cross-Section Ratios of Different Jet Radii for pp Full Jet Spectra 8 TeV with Comparison to PYTHIA8
Fragmentation function of J/psi-tagged charged jets
Fragmentation function of non-prompt J/psi-tagged charged jets
Fragmentation function of prompt J/psi-tagged charged jets
f_B signal extraction 0.7 < z < 0.8
Inclusive jpsi signal extraction, 0.7 < z < 0.8
Fiducial cross section of Z->ee at mirapidity in pp collisions at 13 TeV
Invariant mass of Z->ee (ULS and LS pairs) at midrapidity in pp collisions at 13 TeV
Invariant mass of Z->ee at midrapidity in pp collisions at 13 TeV
The comparison of longitudinal momentum fraction of $\rm D_{s}^{+}$ and $\rm D^{0}$ -tagged jets in MB pp collisions at 13 TeV
Longitudinal momentum fraction of $\rm D_{s}^{+}$-tagged jets in MB pp collisions at 13 TeV
Relative statistical and systematic uncertainties by categories of $\rm D_{s}^{+}$-tagged jets longitudinal momentum fraction in MB pp collisions at 13 TeV
Feed-down contribution of $\rm D_{s}^{+}$ jets from POWHEG+PYTHIA6+EvtGen in MB pp collisions at 13 TeV
Invariant mass distribution of $\rm D_{s}^{+}$ candidates inside jets in MB pp collisions at 13 TeV
Energy flow distributions overview Charged jets 60-80 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.05 to 0.1, R=0.2 to 0.25 and R=0.35 to 0.4
Energy flow distributions overview Charged jets 40-60 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.05 to 0.1, R=0.2 to 0.25 and R=0.35 to 0.4
Energy flow distributions overview Charged jets 60-80 GeV pp 13 TeV, All Rjet pairs
Energy flow distributions overview Charged jets 40-60 GeV pp 13 TeV, All Rjet pairs
Energy flow distributions with model comparison Charged jets 60-80 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.35 to R=0.4
Energy flow distributions with model comparison Charged jets 40-60 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.35 to R=0.4
Energy flow distributions with model comparison Charged jets 60-80 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.2 to R=0.25
Energy flow distributions with model comparison Charged jets 40-60 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.2 to R=0.25
Energy flow distributions with model comparison Charged jets 60-80 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.05 to R=0.1
Energy flow distributions with model comparison Charged jets 40-60 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.05 to R=0.1
Mean energy flow versus jet radius with model comparison Charged jets 60-80 GeV pp 13 TeV
Mean energy flow versus jet radius with model comparison Charged jets 40-60 GeV pp 13 TeV
Mean energy flow versus jet radius with jet pt dependence Charged jets pp 13 TeV
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in high $z$ bin compared to PYTHIA8 Tune4C
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in mid $z$ bin compared to PYTHIA8 Tune4C
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in low $z$ bin compared to PYTHIA8 Tune4C
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in inclusive $z$ bin compared to PYTHIA8 Tune4C
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in high $z$ bin compared to Herwig
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in mid $z$ bin compared to Herwig
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in low $z$ bin compared to Herwig
Measured $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions in inclusive $z$ bin compared to Herwig
[HP 2023] Beauty cross section as a function of rapidity compared with FONLL prediction (NNPDF pdf)
[HP 2023] Beauty cross section as a function of rapidity compared with FONLL prediction (CTEQ6 pdf)
[HP 2023] Charm cross section as a function of rapidity compared with FONLL prediction (CTEQ6 pdf)
[HP 2023] Charm cross section as a function of rapidity compared with FONLL prediction (NNPDF pdf)
[HP 2023] Simultaneous unbinned fit to dimuon data distribution (transverse momentum component)
[HP 2023] Simultaneous unbinned fit to dimuon data distribution (mass component)
[HP 2023] Dimuon invariant mass distribution with m>4 Gev/c^2
Experimental and theoretical uncertainties of the isolated prompt photon $R_{pA}$ at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=8.16$ TeV
Isolated prompt photon purity in p-Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV
Data/theory ratio of isolated prompt photon production in p-Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV compared to p-Pb data at 5.02 TeV
Isolated prompt photon production cross section in pp and p-Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV
Nuclear modification factor of isolated prompt photon production in p-Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV (log x)
Nuclear modification factor of isolated prompt photon production in p-Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV
Comparison of the Invariant Cross-Section Ratio for R = 0.2/0.5 Full Jets in pp to PYTHIA8 Monash
Comparison of the Invariant Cross-Section Ratio for R = 0.2/0.4 Full Jets in pp to PYTHIA8 Monash
Comparison of the Invariant Cross-Section Ratio for R = 0.2/0.3 Full Jets in pp to PYTHIA8 Monash
Comparison of the Invariant Cross-Section for R = 0.5 Full Jets in pp to PYTHIA8 Monash
Comparison of the Invariant Cross-Section for R = 0.4 Full Jets in pp to PYTHIA8 Monash
Comparison of the Invariant Cross-Section for R = 0.3 Full Jets in pp to PYTHIA8 Monash
Comparison of the Invariant Cross-Section for R = 0.2 Full Jets in pp to PYTHIA8 Monash
$\sqrt{s}$ Comparison for Several Bins in $p_{T}^{jet}$ for R = 0.5 - 2.76, 5, 8, 13 TeV
$\sqrt{s}$ Comparison for Several Bins in $p_{T}^{jet}$ for R = 0.4 - 2.76, 5, 8, 13 TeV
$\sqrt{s}$ Comparison for Several Bins in $p_{T}^{jet}$ for R = 0.3 - 2.76, 5, 8, 13 TeV
$\sqrt{s}$ Comparison for Several Bins in $p_{T}^{jet}$ for R = 0.2 - 2.76, 5, 8, 13 TeV
Compilation of Invariant Cross-Sections for R = 0.5 in pp Full Jet Spectra - 5, 8, 13 TeV
Compilation of Invariant Cross-Sections for R = 0.4 in pp Full Jet Spectra - 2.76, 5, 8, 13 TeV
Compilation of Invariant Cross-Sections for R = 0.3 in pp Full Jet Spectra - 5, 8, 13 TeV
Compilation of Invariant Cross-Sections for R = 0.2 in pp Full Jet Spectra - 2.76, 5, 8, 13 TeV
Compilation of Invariant Cross-Section Ratios of R = 0.2/0.5 in pp Full Jet Spectra - 5, 8, 13 TeV
Compilation of Invariant Cross-Section Ratios of R = 0.2/0.4 in pp Full Jet Spectra - 2.76, 5, 8, 13 TeV
Compilation of Invariant Cross-Section Ratios of R = 0.2/0.3 in pp Full Jet Spectra - 5, 8, 13 TeV
Invariant Cross-Section Ratios of Different Jet Radii for pp Full Jet Spectra 8 TeV
Invariant Cross-Section pp Full Jet Spectra 8 TeV, R = 0.2 -0.5
Fraction of Women in ALICE by Employment Category and Time (2014-2021, Final)
  • PWG : Diversity Office
  • Energy: none
  • System none
Isolated photon differential cross section measured in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s) = 5.02 TeV compared with JETPHOX and NLO theory
Direct photon spectra PbPb 5TeV ratios to model calculation, with PHENIX, 20-40%
Charge conservation effect in first longitudinal coefficient a_{1} as a function of <dNch/deta> in Xe-Xe collisions
$p_T$ dependence of $J/\psi$ $v_2$ for various collision systems
Charge conservation effect in first longitudinal coefficient a_{1} as a function of <dNch/deta> in Pb-Pb collisions
First longitudinal coefficient a_{1} scaled with sqrt(<dNch/deta>) as a function of <dNch/deta> in Pb-Pb and Xe-Xe collisions
Direct photon spectra in PbPb 5.02TeV from PCM with comparison to all model calculations
First longitudinal coefficient a_{1} in Xe-Xe and Pb-Pb collisions as a function of <dNch/deta>
Direct photon double ratio in PbPb 5.02TeV from PCM with all models
Procedure of $V_{2,J/\psi-tracklet}$ extraction from $V_{2,dimuon-tracklet}(m_{\mu\mu})$
$p_T$ dependence of $J/\psi$ $v_2$ in pp collisions at 13 TeV - Yield subtraction method
$p_T$ dependence of $J/\psi$ $v_2$ in pp collisions at 13 TeV
Truncated mean of momentum imbalance between isolated photons and jets in 5.02 TeV Pb-Pb collisions with PYTHIA comparison
Double ratio 0-20% from PCM and 0-10% from Dielectrons
Double ratio 60-80% with different model calculations
Double ratio 40-60% with different model calculations
Double ratio 20-40% with different model calculations
Double ratio 0-20% with different model calculations
$\it{p}_{T}$-differential K*(892)$^{\mathbf{\pm}}$-to-Proton ratio as a function of spherocity ($S_{0}^{p_{T}=1}$) in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV (I-III V0M multiplicity class)
$\it{p}_{T}$-differential K*(892)$^{\mathbf{\pm}}$-to-Kaon ratio as a function of spherocity ($S_{0}^{p_{T}=1}$) in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV (I-III V0M multiplicity class)