Search for Preliminary Figures

Xic/Lc ratio measured in \pp collisions at 13TeV in different multiplicity
Xi_c^0/D^0 ratio in different V0M multiplicity classes
psi and jpsi signal extraction from 13.6 TeV pp data
psi-to-jpsi ratio as function of the pT at midrapidity in pp at 13.6 TeV, compared with the similar measurements from forward rapidity
y-differential coherent J/psi photoproduction cross section at pT < 0.3 GeV/c in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with data points only
y-differential raw J/psi yield as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
y-differential J/psi production cross section at forward y as a function of pT in pp collisions at 5.02 TeV
The J/psi nuclear modification factor as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV for 3.75 < y < 4
The J/psi nuclear modification factor as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV for 3.5 < y < 3.75
The J/psi nuclear modification factor as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV for 3.25 < y < 3.5
The J/psi nuclear modification factor as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV for 3 < y < 3.25
The J/psi nuclear modification factor as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV for 2.75 < y < 3
The J/psi nuclear modification factor as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV for 2.5 < y < 2.75
The J/psi nuclear modification factor for six y intervals at forward rapidity as a function of pT, pT < 3 GeV/c, in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
The J/psi nuclear modification factor for six y intervals at forward rapidity as a function of pT in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
y-differential coherent J/psi photoproduction cross section at pT < 0.3 GeV/c in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV compared with one set of models of different scenarios
y-differential coherent J/psi photoproduction cross section at pT < 0.3 GeV/c in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Eta/Pi0 ratio as function of z for different jet pT intervals
Ratio of Pi0 z spectra (Fragmentation function) for data and PYTHIA to parameterization
Eta/Pi0 ratio inside jets as function of pT for different jet pT intervals
Ratio of fully corrected Eta pT spectra inside jets (data and PYTHIA) to parameterization
Eta pT spectra in different jet pT intervals normalized per jet
Ratio of fully corrected Pi0 pT spectra inside jets (data and PYTHIA) to parameterization
Pi0 pT spectra in different jet pT intervals normalized per jet
Ratio of Eta pT spectra in different jet pT intervals to a fit to the inclusive Eta spectrum
Eta pT spectra in different jet pT intervals normalized per event
Ratio of Pi0 pT spectra in different jet pT intervals to a fit to the inclusive Pi0 spectrum
Pi0 pT spectra in different jet pT intervals normalized per event and the inclusive Pi0 spectrum
Pi0 pT spectra in different jet pT intervals normalized per event
Comparison of corrected Eta spectra inside jets from different reconstruction methods as function of z
Comparison of corrected Pi0 spectra inside jets from different reconstruction methods as function of z
$\rho_{00}$ parameter of prompt $\mathrm{D}^{*+}$ mesons in $0.3<|y|<0.8$ with respect to the reaction plane and a random axis in 30-50% Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
$\rho_{00}$ parameter of prompt $\mathrm{D}^{*+}$ mesons with $15<p_\mathrm{T}<30$ GeV$/c$ with respect to the reaction and production planes in 30-50% Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
$\rho_{00}$ parameter of prompt $\mathrm{D}^{*+}$ mesons with $15<p_\mathrm{T}<30$ GeV$/c$ as a function of $|y|$ with respect to the reaction plane in 30-50% Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
$\rho_{00}$ parameter of prompt $\mathrm{D}^{*+}$ mesons in $0.3<|y|<0.8$ with respect to the reaction plane in 0-10% and 30-50% Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
Non-prompt fraction of $\mathrm{D}^{*+}$ candidates in 0-10% and 30-50% Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
$|\cos{\vartheta^*}|$ differential corrected yields of $\mathrm{D}^{*+}$ candidates in two $p_\mathrm{T}$ intervals, for $0.3<|y|<0.8$ in 30-50% Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
Invariant-mass distributions of $\mathrm{D}^{*+}$ candidates in two $p_\mathrm{T}$ and $|\cos{\vartheta^*}|$ intervals, for $0.3<|y|<0.8$ in 30-50% Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=5.02$ TeV
Direct photon pt (MB and HM)
$\rm D^{0}$-tagged raw jet axis distribution, $\Delta R_{\rm STD,D}$, for $R = 0.4$ in $10 < p_{\rm T,ch~ jet} < 20 {\rm ~ GeV}/c$
Fully corrected $\rm D^{0}$-tagged jet axis distribution, $\Delta R_{\rm STD,D}$, compared to PYTHIA 8 for $R = 0.4$ in $10 < p_{\rm T,ch~ jet} < 20 {\rm ~ GeV}/c$
Feed-down fraction in $\rm D^{0}$-tagged jet axis difference, $\Delta R_{\rm STD,D}$, in $10 < p_{\rm T, ch ~ jet} < 20 ~ {\rm GeV}/c$ and $5 < p_{\rm T, D^{0}} < 20 ~ {\rm GeV}/c$ for $R=0.4$.
Delta Phi Distribution of heavy-flavor decay electrons and charged particles, Pb-Pb 30 - 50% Centrality and pp
Delta Phi Distribution of heavy-flavor decay electrons and charged particles, Pb-Pb 0 - 10% Centrality and pp
Delta Phi Distribution of heavy-flavor decay electrons and charged particles with background uncertainty, Pb-Pb 30 - 50% Centrality
Delta Phi Distribution of heavy-flavor decay electrons and charged particles with background uncertainty, Pb-Pb 0 - 10% Centrality
Away-Side Nuclear Modification factor ($I_{AA}$) of Pb-Pb in 30 - 50% Centrality
Away-Side Nuclear Modification factor ($I_{AA}$) of Pb-Pb in 0 - 10% Centrality
Near-Side Nuclear Modification factor ($I_{AA}$) of Pb-Pb in 30 - 50% Centrality
Near-Side Nuclear Modification factor ($I_{AA}$) of Pb-Pb in 0 - 10% Centrality
Comparison of Per-Trigger Associated Away-Side Yield in Pb-Pb 30 - 50% Centrality and pp
Comparison of Per-Trigger Associated Away-Side Yield in Pb-Pb 0 - 10% Centrality and pp
Comparison of Per-Trigger Associated Near-Side Yield in Pb-Pb 30 - 50% Centrality and pp
Comparison of Per-Trigger Associated Near-Side Yield in Pb-Pb 0 - 10% Centrality and pp
Comparison of $\lambda_{\theta}$ with UPC measurement
dNdcostheta vs costheta in Pb--Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV using Helicity Frame
Invariant mass distribution of dimuon pairs for 0.5 < |cos\theta| < 0.6 in Pb-Pb collsions at 5.02 TeV
Invariant mass distribution of dimuon pairs for 0.2 < |cos\theta| < 0.3 in Pb-Pb collsions at 5.02 TeV
Invariant mass distribution of dimuon pairs for 0.0 < |cos\theta| < 0.1 in Pb-Pb collsions at 5.02 TeV
Rg vs pt (HM)
Rg vs pt (MB)
Photon yield vs multiplicity (pp13TeV)
Direct photon pt (HM)
Direct photon pt (MB)
r vs pt HM (updated)
r vs pt MB (updated)
y-differential upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) pp cross section at 13 TeV compared to ICEM+FONLL
pT differential Upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) cross section in pp collisions at 13 TeV compared to ICEM+FONLL
Integrated Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S) cross section as a function of energy compared to ICEM+FONLL model calculations
pT differential Upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) cross section in pp collisions at 13 TeV compared to LHCb
y-differential upsilon(1S) pp cross section at 13 TeV compared to lower energy ALICE data
y-differential upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) pp cross section at 13 TeV compared to LHCb
y-differential upsilon(1S) and upsilon(2S) pp cross section at 13 TeV
pT differential Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S) cross section in pp collisions at 13 TeV
pT differential Upsilon(1S) cross section in pp collisions at 13 TeV compared to lower energy ALICE data
D0-tagged jets compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 on left and to their ratio on right for $\alpha=3$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
D0-tagged jets compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 on left and to their ratio on right for $\alpha=2$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
D0-tagged jets compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 on left and to their ratio on right for $\alpha=1.5$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
D0-tagged jets compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 on left and to their ratio on right for $\alpha=1$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
Feed-down fraction in D$^{0}$-tagged jet angularity  in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c and 5 < $p_{\rm T,D^{0}}$ < 20 GeV/c for R = 0.4, $\alpha=1$.
Fully corrected jet angularity distributions of D0-tagged jet compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 for $\alpha=3$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
Fully corrected jet angularity distributions of D0-tagged jet compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 for $\alpha=2$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
Fully corrected jet angularity distributions of D0-tagged jet compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 for $\alpha=1.5$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.
D0-tagged jet raw angularity distributions for $\alpha=1$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c and 8 < $p_{\rm T,D^{0}}$ < 12 GeV/c.
Invariant mass distribution of D$^{0}$-tagged jet candidates with 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c and 8 < $p_{\rm T,D^{0}}$ < 12 GeV/c for R = 0.4.
Away-Side width comparison between measured Λc-h and PYTHIA8 predictions for 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Away-Side yield comparison between measured Λc-h and PYTHIA8 predictions for 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Away-Side yields and widths comparison between measured Λc-h and PYTHIA8 predictions
Near-Side width comparison between measured Λc-h and PYTHIA8 predictions for 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Near-Side yield comparison between measured Λc-h and PYTHIA8 predictions for 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Near-Side yields and widths comparison between measured Λc-h and PYTHIA8 predictions
Away-Side Width comparison between Λc-h and D-h at 3 < pT(trigger) < 5 GeV/c and 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Away-Side Yield comparison between Λc-h and D-h at 3 < pT(trigger) < 5 GeV/c and 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Away-Side yields and widths comparison between Λc-h and D-h
Baseline comparison between Λc-h and D-h at 3 < pT(trigger) < 5 GeV/c and 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Near-Side width comparison between Λc-h and D-h for 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Near-Side Yield comparison between Λc-h and D-h for 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c
Near-Side yields and widths comparison between Λc-h and D-h
Comparison between measured Λc+-h and D-h azimuthal correlation distributions
Comparison between the measured Λc-h azimuthal correlation distributions and PYTHIA8 predictions at 3 < pT(trigger) < 5 GeV/c and 0.3 < pT(assoc) < 1 GeV/c