Scope: PWG
PWG-DQ (Dileptons and Quarkonia)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption
y-differential coherent J/psi photoproduction cross section at pT < 0.3 GeV/c in the centrality range (70-90)% in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV. The data is compared with three scenarios of the models GBW/IIM. Scenario (1) uses the UPC calculations. Scenario (2) includes a modification of the photon flux. Scenario (3) includes both modifications of the photon flux and the photo-nucleus cross-section.
Detail description
- Keywords: coherent, photoproduction, nuclear overlap
- Data sample and rec. pass:LHC15o_muon_calo_pass1LHC18q_muon_calo_pass3LHC18q_muon_calo_pass3
- Event cuts: physics selection and CMUL7-B-NOPF-MUFAST (CMUL7) trigger
- Track cuts: -4 < eta_{mu} < -2.5, 2 < theta_{abs} < 10 degree, matching track in tracking-trigger chambers, pxDCA cut.
- Dimuon cut: -4 < y < -2.5