Ratio of the $R_{\rm T}$-dependent per-event D$^0$ meson yields to the $R_{\rm T}$-integrated yield in the toward region
Acceptance-times-efficiency correction of D$^0$ mesons as a function of the $R_{\rm T}$
Invariant mass distribution of D$^0$ candidates with 12 < $p_{\rm T}^{\rm D^0}$ < 18 GeV/$c$ in $R_{\rm T}$ > 1 events
Invariant mass distribution of D$^0$ candidates with 5 < $p_{\rm T}^{\rm D^0}$ < 8 GeV/$c$ in $R_{\rm T}$ < 1 events
Inclusive charged-particle jet invariant yield in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13.6 TeV
Inclusive charged-particle jet cross section in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13.6 TeV
Ratio of EEC distributions for charged jets in pp and p-Pb collisions -- 20-40 GeV/c with fit
p/pi in jets 3 curves
K/pi in jets 3 curves
pi spectra inclusive, jet+UE, UE
pi spectra inclusive and jet+UE
pi spectra inclusive only
K/pi in jets all 5 curves
p in jets spectra
K in jets spectra
nSD of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 15-30 GeV/c compared with Run 2 results
Rg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 15-30 GeV/c compared with Run 2 results
nSD of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 30-50 GeV/c
nSD of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 15-30 GeV/c
Rg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 30-50 GeV/c
Rg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 15-30 GeV/c
nSD of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV compared with Run 2 results
nSD of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV
Rg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV compared with Run 2 results
Rg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV
Ratio of EEC distributions for charged jets in pp and p-Pb collisions -- 20-40 GeV/c with HT calculation
Ratio of EEC distributions for charged jets in pp and p-Pb collisions -- 20-40 GeV/c with model+nPDF bands
zg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 15-30 GeV/c compared with Run 2 results
$\Lambda_{\text{c}}^{+}$ fragmentation function in pp at 13.6 TeV compared with Run 2 results
zg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 30-50 GeV/c
zg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV for jet pT 15-30 GeV/c
zg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV compared with Run 2 results
zg of D0-tagged jets in pp at 13.6 TeV
$\Lambda_{\text{c}}^{+}$ fragmentation function in pp at 13.6 TeV vs $\text{D}^{0}$
$\Lambda_{\text{c}}^{+}$ fragmentation function in pp at 13.6 TeV
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb/pp for 60-80 GeV/c jets
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb/pp for 40-60 GeV/c jets
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb/pp for 20-40 GeV/c jets
Fitted EEC peak heights in p-Pb
Fitted EEC peak positions in p-Pb
Fit of EECs for 60-80 GeV/c jets in p-Pb -- x (R_{L}) axis scaled by average jet pt
Fit of EECs for 40-60 GeV/c jets in p-Pb -- x (R_{L}) axis scaled by average jet pt
Fit of EECs for 20-40 GeV/c jets in p-Pb -- x (R_{L}) axis scaled by average jet pt
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb/pp for 60-80 GeV/c jets with varying track pT cut (150 MeV, 1 GeV, 2 GeV)
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb/pp for 40-60 GeV/c jets with varying track pT cut (150 MeV, 1 GeV, 2 GeV)
EEC distributions in p-Pb with varying track pT cut (150 MeV, 1 GeV, 2 GeV) for 60-80 GeV/c jets
EEC distributions in p-Pb with varying track pT cut (150 MeV, 1 GeV, 2 GeV) for 40-60 GeV/c jets
EEC distributions in p-Pb with varying track pT cut (150 MeV, 1 GeV, 2 GeV) for 20-40 GeV/c jets
Comparison of EEC distributions for charged jets in pp and p-Pb collisions -- 60-80 GeV/c
Comparison of EEC distributions for charged jets in pp and p-Pb collisions -- 40-60 GeV/c
Comparison of EEC distributions for charged jets in pp and p-Pb collisions -- 20-40 GeV/c
R-ratio of R=0.2/R=0.4 recoil jets as a function of pT in 13.6 TeV with PYTHIA comparison
R-ratio of R=0.2/R=0.4 recoil jets as a function of pT in 13.6 TeV
R-ratio of R=0.2/R=0.4 recoil jets as a function of pT in 13.6 TeV, just Run 3 data
Raw spectra of signal, reference and delta recoil vs pT for R=0.4 jets
Delta recoil vs pT with PYTHIA comparison for R=0.4 jets in 13.6 TeV pp collisions
Delta recoil vs pT with PYTHIA comparison for R=0.2 jets in 13.6 TeV pp collisions
Delta recoil vs pT for R=0.4 jets in 13.6 TeV pp collisions
Delta recoil vs pT for R=0.2 jets in 13.6 TeV pp collisions
Evolution of power index as a function of $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$
Normalized $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ correlator as a function of mean $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ for fixed $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ window sliding from lower to higher $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$
Normalized $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ correlator as a function of mean $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ with increasing upper limit of $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ windows
Relative uncertainties of inclusive charged-particle jet cross section in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13.6 TeV
Comparison of Pythia8 (Monash) and EPOS models to normalized mean $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ correlator as charged particle multiplicity at fixed $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ window sliding from lower to higher $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$
Comparison of Pythia8 (Monash) and EPOS models to normalized mean $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ correlator as charged particle multiplicity for increasing upper limit of $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ windows
Empirical power law fit to normalized $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ correlator as a function of charged particle multiplicity
Normalized $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ correlator as a function of charged particle multiplicity for fixed $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ window sliding from lower to higher $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$
Normalized $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ correlator as a function of charged particle multiplicity with increasing upper limit of $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ windows
Mean $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ as a function of charged particle multiplicity at fixed $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ window sliding from lower to higher $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$
Mean $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ as a function of charged particle multiplicity for increasing upper limit of $\it{p}_{\rm{T}}$ windows
Ratio of zg distribution for wide and narrow jets in pp and Pb-Pb
Ratio of θg distribution for balanced and unbalanced jets in pp and Pb-Pb
zg distribution for wide jets in pp and Pb-Pb
zg distribution for narrow jets in pp and Pb-Pb
θg distribution for balanced jets in pp and Pb-Pb
θg distribution for unbalanced jets in pp and Pb-Pb
zg distribution for wide jets in Pb-Pb
zg distribution for narrow jets in Pb-Pb
θg distribution for balanced jets in Pb-Pb
θg distribution for unbalanced jets in Pb-Pb
zg distribution for wide jets in pp
zg distribution for narrow jets in pp
θg distribution for balanced jets in pp
θg distribution for unbalanced jets in pp
EEC distributions of charged jets in p-Pb -- x (R_{L}) axis scaled by average jet pt
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb /pp for 20-40 GeV/c jets with CGC comparisons
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb/pp for 20-40 GeV/c jets with varying track pT cut (150 MeV, 1 GeV, 2 GeV)
Ratio of EECs in p-Pb and pp in different jet pT bins (20-40, 40-60, 60-80 GeV)
EEC distribution for charged jets in p-Pb collisions -- jet pT comparison (20-40, 40-60, 60-80 GeV)
$\rm D^{0}$-tagged jet axes difference distributions, $\Delta R_{\rm STD-SD}$ for varied SD $z_{\rm cut}$, with comparisons to MC in $10 < p_{\rm T, ch~jet} < 20~\rm{GeV}/c$ for $R=0.4$
$\rm D^{0}$-tagged jet axes difference distributions, $\Delta R_{\rm SD-D^{0}}$ and $\Delta R_{\rm WTA-SD}$ for SD $z_{\rm cut} = 0.2$, with comparisons to MC for $R=0.4$ in $10 < p_{\rm T, ch~jet} < 20~\rm{GeV}/c$
$\rm D^{0}$-tagged jet axes difference distributions, $\Delta R_{\rm SD-D^{0}}$ and $\Delta R_{\rm WTA-SD}$ for SD $z_{\rm cut} = 0.1$, with comparisons to MC for $R=0.4$ in $10 < p_{\rm T, ch~jet} < 20~\rm{GeV}/c$
D$^{0}$-tagged jet compared to inclusive jets EECs and to different MC models in 15 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 30 GeV/c for $R=0.4$.
D$^{0}$-tagged jet compared to inclusive jets EECs and to different MC models in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 15 GeV/c for $R=0.4$.
D$^{0}$-tagged jet compared to inclusive jets EECs and to different MC models in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 15 GeV/c and 15 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 30 GeV/c for $R=0.4$.
Feed-down fraction in D$^{0}$-tagged energy-energy correlator in 15 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 30 GeV/c and 5 < $p_{\rm T,D^{0}}$ < 30 GeV/c for R = 0.4.
D0-tagged jet compared to inclusive jet EECs in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 15 GeV/c and 15 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 30 GeV/c for $R=0.4$.
D0-tagged jet compared to inclusive jet EECs in 15 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 30 GeV/c for $R=0.4$.
D0-tagged jet compared to inclusive jet EECs in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 15 GeV/c for $R=0.4$.
$\rm D^{0}$-tagged jet axes difference distributions, $\Delta R_{\rm STD-D^{0}}$ and $\Delta R_{\rm STD-WTA}$, with comparisons to MC for $R=0.4$ in $10 < p_{\rm T, ch~jet} < 20~\rm{GeV}/c$