Figures from Analysis Note 1307 - "Measurement of Jet Constituent Yields in 5.02 TeV Pb-Pb Collisions with the ALICE Detector"
Includes/will include:
Single Track Reconstruction Efficiency in TPC for 2018q 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV
Residual b/w parameterized fit and Single Track Reconstruction Efficiency in TPC for 2018q 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV
Un-Corrected Jet-Hadron Correlation for In-Plane 20-40 GeV pT^jet and 2-3 GeV pT^assoc. for 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV
Acceptance Correction for 20-40 GeV pT^jet and 2-3 GeV pT^assoc. for 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV
Acceptance Corrected Jet-Hadron Correlation for In-Plane 20-40 GeV pT^jet and 2-3 GeV pT^assoc. for 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV
RPF Fit - Inclusive, In-Plane, Mid-Plane, Out-of-Plane for 20-40 GeV pT^jet and 2-3 GeV pT^assoc. for 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV
RPF Fit - Inclusive, In-Plane, Mid-Plane, Out-of-Plane for 20-40 GeV pT^jet and 4-5 GeV pT^assoc. for 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV
Near Side Yields for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Away Side Yields for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Near Side Out-of-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Away Side Out-of-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Near Side Mid-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Away Side Mid-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Near Side Out-of-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio + JEWEL for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Away Side Out-of-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio + JEWEL for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Near Side Mid-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio + JEWEL for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)
Away Side Mid-Plane/In-Plane Yield Ratio + JEWEL for 20-40 GeV pT^jet in 30-50 % PbPb 5.02 TeV (pT^assoc. > 2 GeV)