Mid/In Away Side Constituent Yield Ratio, pT^jet = 20-40 GeV, pT^assoc. > 2 GeV, 5.02 TeV PbPb, 30-50 %

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Ratios of Mid Plane/In Plane away side yields of RPF background subtracted correlation functions for 20-40 GeV ch. + ne. jets and > 2 GeV associated hadrons in 30-50 % central 5.02 TeV PbPb collisions.

Detail description

Mid/In Away Side Yield Ratios, pT^assoc. > 2 GeV

RPF fit only done in near side background dominated region (see figure)



Event Cuts:

Track Cuts:  Chi^2 / NDF < 4, TPC + ITS refit,

AliROOT tag: vAN-20220210-1

*Still needs to be re-run with 2018 EP calibrations (used 2015 instead)