Figures from paper submitted to Journal of High Energy Physics
The momentum-differential invariant cross sections of ${\pi^{0}}$ and $\eta$ mesons are reported for pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV at midrapidity ($|y|<~0.8$). The measurement is performed in a broad transverse-momentum range of $0.2<~p_{\rm T}<~200$ GeV/$c$ and $0.4<~p_{\rm T}<~60$ GeV/$c$ for the ${\pi^{0}}$ and $\eta$, respectively, extending the $p_{\rm T}$ coverage of previous measurements. Transverse-mass-scaling violation of up to 60% at low transverse momentum has been observed, agreeing with measurements at lower collision energies. Transverse Bjorken $x$ ($x_{\rm T}$) scaling of the ${\pi^{0}}$ cross sections at LHC energies is fulfilled with a power-law exponent of $n$ = 5.01$\pm$0.05, consistent with values obtained for charged pions at similar collision energies. The data is compared to predictions from next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations, where the ${\pi^{0}}$ spectrum is best described using the CT18 parton distribution function and the NNFF1.0 or BDSS fragmentation function. Expectations from PYTHIA8 and EPOS LHC overestimate the spectrum for the ${\pi^{0}}$ and are not able to describe the shape and magnitude of the $\eta$ spectrum. The charged-particle multiplicity dependent ${\pi^{0}}$ and $\eta$ $p_{\rm T}$ spectra show the expected hardening with increasing multiplicity. This is demonstrated across a broad transverse-momentum range and up to events with a charged-particle multiplicity exceeding five times the mean value in minimum bias collisions. The absolute magnitude of the $\eta/\pi^{0}$ ratio shows a dependence on the charged-particle multiplicity for $p_{\rm T}<~4$ GeV/$c$, qualitatively described by PYTHIA8 and EPOS LHC due to a rising contribution from feed-down of heavier particles to the ${\pi^{0}}$ spectrum.
e-Print: arXiv:2411.09560 | PDF | inSPIRE