Ratio of correlated away-side (|Δφ-π| < π/3) between out-of-plane (|φ-Ψ2|>π/3) and in-plane (|φ-Ψ2|<π/6) π0 triggers in the pT range 11-14 GeV/c, in EMCal-Gamma triggered events in the 30-50% centrality range. Zoomed out for comparison to other event plane ratios.
This plot compares (as a ratio) the away-side yields in correlations between high pT π0s (11-14 GeV/c, |η|<0.7) and charged hadrons (1.5-17 GeV/c, |η| < 0.9) between two cases for the π0 trigger: in-plane (within π/6 of the 2nd order event plane) and out-of-plane (π/3 or more away from the 2nd order event plane). The correlations have been corrected for π0 impurity, and the contribution due to independent flow of π0s and associated particles has been subtracted.
Data: 15o pass1
List of runs: 246945, 246928, 246846, 246845, 246844, 246810, 246809, 246808, 246807, 246805, 246804, 246766, 246765, 246760, 246759, 246758, 246757, 246751, 246750, 246495, 246493, 246488, 246487, 246434, 246424, 246272, 246271, 246225, 246222, 246217, 246115, 246113, 246089, 246087, 246053, 246052, 246042, 246037, 246003, 246001, 245963, 245954, 245952, 245949, 245833, 245831, 245829, 245705, 245702, 245700, 245683
π0s reconstructed via pairs of EMCal clusters, (cell threshold = 100 MeV0, seed threshold = 500 MeV, clusterizer=v3, non-linearity correction = kBeamTestCorrectedv3, cluster energy minimum = 2 GeV)
Tracks: Hybrid
Event-plane detector: V0M (V0A + V0C)