Figure 84a

5.02 TeV
7 TeV
8 TeV
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

$n\sigma^{\textrm{TPC}}_{e^\pm}$ distribution without (black) and with (green) \gls{EMCal} electron identification cuts of $E/p$ and $\shshlo$. Electrons form a Gaussian distribution centered around zero, indicated by the gray dashed line. The signal and background selection windows considered for the following $E/p$ plots are indicated by the red and blue shaded area, respectively. The distributions are shown for various event triggers in \pp\ collisions at \sthirteen\ in different \pT\ intervals. $E/p$ distribution for electron candidates selected by applying $-1 \leq n\sigma^{\textrm{TPC}}_{e^\pm} \leq 3$ (black open circles), and for hadrons with $-10 \leq n\sigma^{\textrm{TPC}}_{e^\pm} \leq -4$ (blue dots) scaled to match the electron distribution in the range indicated by the blue shaded box. The red diamonds reflect the remaining signal distribution after background subtraction and the corresponding signal fit using a Gaussian with an exponential tail is overlaid in dark red. The distributions are shown for various event triggers in \pp\ collisions at \sthirteen\ in different \pT\ intervals.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper