Transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) spectra of $\pi^{\pm}$, $\mathrm{K}^{\pm}$, $(\overline{\mathrm{p}})\mathrm{p}$, and $\rm{h}^{\pm}$ for different flattenicity event classes (top panels), and for HM events (0--1\% V0M) in the same flattenicity event classes (bottom panels). The spectra are scaled by powers of ten for better visibility. The yield of identified and unidentified particles is reported as a function of rapidity and pseudorapidity, respectively. The bottom panels in each figure show the $Q_{\rm pp}$ for the corresponding event classes. The statistical, total, and uncorrelated systematic uncertainties are represented with bars, boxes, and shaded areas around the data points, respectively. The flattenicity-integrated $Q_{\rm pp}$ values are taken from Refs.~.
Figure extracted from paper