Figure 3

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Normalized $\Sigma_{\text{EEC}}$ as a function of $\langle\pTchjet\rangle\RL$. $\ln\langle\pTchjet\rangle$ in the y-axis represents $\ln(\langle\pTchjet\rangle/(\GeVc))$ as explained in footnote~???. The gray line corresponds to the maximum location of the distribution and the gray band corresponds to a $\pm$0.17 \GeVc~uncertainty along the x-axis. The orange curves show pQCD calculations ~, which are normalized to data such that the integral inside \RL~range of [12~\GeVc/$\langle\pTchjet\rangle$,~0.4] are the same. The purple curve represents a linear functional form that is fit to data in the \RL~range of [0.01, $0.7~\GeVc/\langle\pTchjet\rangle$]. Bottom: Ratios of the pQCD calculation and linear fit to data. As the fitting range for the linear curve is mostly accessible by the data in 20--40 \GeVc, the ratio of linear fit to data is only shown for 20--40 \GeVc. As the normalization range for the orange pQCD curve is mostly accessible by the data in 60--80 \GeVc, the ratio of pQCD to data is only shown for 60--80 \GeVc.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper