Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption
Centrality dependence of the different orders $a = 1,\ldots,3$ of $\NAC_{a,1}(2,3)$ (cyan closed circles) and $\NAC_{1,a}(2,3)$ (pink open squares) compared with the theoretical predictions from \trento+iEBE-VISHNU for the Duke 2019~ and Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a} 2022~ parametrizations. Panel~(d) shows a close-up of the results of $\NAC_{3,1}(2,3)$. The statistical uncertainties in the calculations are indicated by the thicknesses of the colored bands. The data points for $\NSC(2,3)$ are taken from Ref.~.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper