Figures from paper submitted to Physical Review Letters
The ALICE Collaboration reports measurements of the large relative transverse momentum ($k_{\text{T}}$) component of jet substructure in pp and in central and semicentral Pb$-$Pb collisions at center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair $\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}}=5.02$ TeV. Enhancement in the yield of such large-$k_{\text{T}}$ emissions in central Pb$-$Pb collisions is predicted to arise from partonic scattering with quasi-particles of the quark-gluon plasma. The analysis utilizes charged-particle jets reconstructed by the anti-$k_{\text{T}}$ algorithm with resolution parameter $R=0.2$ in the transverse-momentum interval $60 <~ p_{\text{T,ch jet}} <~ 80$ $\text{GeV}/c$. The soft drop and dynamical grooming algorithms are used to identify high transverse momentum splittings in the jet shower. Comparison of measurements in Pb$-$Pb and pp collisions shows medium-induced narrowing, corresponding to yield suppression of high-$k_{\text{T}}$ splittings, in contrast to the expectation of yield enhancement due to quasi-particle scattering. The measurements are compared to theoretical model calculations incorporating jet quenching, both with and without quasi-particle scattering effects. These measurements provide new insight into the underlying mechanisms and theoretical modeling of jet quenching.
e-Print: arXiv:2409.12837 | PDF | inSPIRE