Scope: PWG
PWG-DQ (Dileptons and Quarkonia)
Figure Caption
Baseline subtracted non-prompt (top panels) and prompt (bottom panels) \jpsi-hadron correlation functions obtained using the EG2DG2 (red), and HM (blue) triggers for \jpsi in the \pt interval $8\pt^{\jpsi}15$~\GeVc and associated hadrons in the \pt intervals $0.15\ptassoc1$, $1\ptassoc3$ and $3\ptassoc10$~\GeVc. The differential correlated yields are normalized per radian and per \GeVc. Baseline and correlated uncertainties are shown as boxes around 0, while fits of the correlation functions with Eq.~\ref{eq:correlation_yield_extraction} are shown as a dashed line with a colored band, which represent the 1$\sigma$ fit uncertainties.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper