Figure 3

Scope: PWG
PWG-DQ (Dileptons and Quarkonia)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Baseline-subtracted inclusive \jpsi-hadron correlation functions corresponding, from top to bottom, to the MB, HM, EG2DG2, and EG1DG1 event triggers. The differential correlated yields are normalized per radian and per \GeVc. From left to right, the associated-hadron \pt intervals are $0.15\ptassoc1$ \GeVc, $1\ptassoc3$ \GeVc and $3\ptassoc10$~\GeVc. For better visibility, the middle and right panel correlation functions are scaled by a factor, given in the lower right corner of each panel. The error bars on the data points indicate statistical uncertainties while the boxes show the uncorrelated systematic uncertainties. The correlated systematic and the baseline uncertainties are shown as filled boxes around 0. The fit of the data using Eq.~\ref{eq:correlation_yield_extraction} is indicated by the red solid line while the band around the fit shows the 1$\sigma$ confidence interval. Calculations using PYTHIA are shown as black dash-dotted lines.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper