Figure 9

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

The Gaussian pion (blue circles) and kaon (green crosses) radii for spherical ($S_{\rm T}>0.7$) and jet-like ($S_{\rm T}0.3$) events as function of the average pair transverse mass $m_{\rm T}$ for different multiplicity intervals. The lines approximating the pion and kaon radii by the linear function of Eq.~(???) are shown for spherical events by dotted blue and green lines, respectively, and for jet-like events by dotted-dashed lines. The lines for combined fit for pion and kaon points are shown by black solid and dashed lines for spherical and jet-like events, respectively. Statistical (bars) and systematic (boxes) uncertainties are shown.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper