Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption
The $\pi^\pm\pi^\pm$ experimental correlation functions (green solid circles) as function of the invariant pair relative momentum $q_\mathrm{inv}$ in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$~TeV for the raw multiplicity $N_{\rm trk}$ intervals of (1--18), (19--30), and ($>30$) in the (0.15--0.3)~GeV/$c$, (0.3--0.5)~GeV/$c$, (0.5--0.7)~GeV$/c$, (0.7--0.9)~GeV$/c$ and (0.9--1.2)~GeV$/c$ $k_{\rm T}$ intervals. A sphericity selection of $S_{\rm T} 0.3$ is applied. The data are compared with PYTHIA 8 calculations shown by blue crosses. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties, while the systematic uncertainties are negligible.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper