Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
13 TeV
Figure Group
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Figure Caption
Two-particle per-trigger yield measured for charged track pairs with $1\pttrig2\,\GeVc$ and $1\ptassoc2\,\GeVc$ within the multiplicity range $32 N_\mathrm{ch} \leq 37$. The jet fragmentation peak has been truncated to ensure a better visibility of the long-range structure. The right panel shows the zero-suppressed projection to $\dPhi$ overlaid with $F(\Updelta\varphi)$ (red line) and the area in which the ridge yield is extracted (shaded area). The blue and purple lines represent the second and third harmonic terms of $F(\Updelta\varphi)$.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper