Figure 6a

Scope: PWG
PWG-DQ (Dileptons and Quarkonia)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Inclusive \jpsi \pt-differential \RAA in Pb--Pb collisions at \fivenn in various centrality intervals. The left panel shows the comparison of \RAA measured in central (0--10\%) and semicentral (30--50\%) collisions at midrapidity. For the data point in the \pt bin 10 $$ \pt $$ 15 \GeVc an open symbol is used to highlight the usage of \pp reference from the extrapolation approach. The right panel shows the measured \RAA in three centrality classes, 0--20\%, 20--40\%, and 40--90\%, at forward rapidity. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are indicated, respectively, by the vertical error bars and the open boxes around the data points. The filled boxes around unity show the global uncertainties.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper