Scope: PWG
PWG-UD (Ultraperipheral and Diffraction)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image

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Figure Caption
Photonuclear cross section for the $\gamma+{\rm Pb}\to \Jpsi+{\rm Pb}$ process as a function of $\WgPb$ (lower axis) or Bjorken-$x$ (upper axis). The solid markers represent the measured cross section. The vertical line across a marker is the uncorrelated uncertainty. The height of an empty box is the sum in quadrature of the correlated systematic uncertainties and the effect of migrations across neutron classes. The gray box represents the theoretical uncertainty coming from the computation of the photon flux. The lines depict the prediction of the different models discussed in Sec.~\ref{sec:Models}. The open triangular and square markers show the cross sections extracted in Refs.~ using ALICE Run~1 data.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper