Baryon-to-meson ratio for strange, charm and beauty in pp at 13 TeV (Monash comparison)

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Non-prompt $\Lambda_{c}^{+}$/$D^0$, prompt $\Lambda_{c}^{+}$/$D^0$, $\Lambda$/$K^{0}_{s}$, and p/$\pi^{+}$ ratios measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV at midrapidity (|$y$| < 0.5) compared with the $\Lambda_{b}^{0}$/($B^{0}$ + $B^{+}$) ratio measured by the LHCb Collaboration at forward rapidity (2.5 < $y$ < 4) and with predictions obtained with the PYTHIA 8 MC generator with the Monash 2013 tune in the corresponding rapidity range with respect to data.

Detail description

Non-prompt $\Lambda_{c}^{+}$/$D^0$, prompt $\Lambda_{c}^{+}$/$D^0$, $\Lambda$/$K^{0}_{s}$, and p/$\pi^{+}$ ratios measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV at midrapidity (|$y$| < 0.5) compared with the $\Lambda_{b}^{0}$/($B^{0}$ + $B^{+}$) ratio measured by the LHCb Collaboration at forward rapidity (2.5 < $y$ < 4) and with predictions obtained with the PYTHIA 8 MC generator with the Monash 2013 tune in the corresponding rapidity range with respect to data.