Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
Figure Caption
Measured correlation function of \LKMin pairs. Statistical (bars) and systematic (boxes)uncertainties are shown separately. The light cyan band represents the total fit obtained using Eq.~\ref{eq:totcorrelation} from which the normalization $N_D$, the non-resonant scattering parameters (\Rescatt,\Imscatt and \effran) and the properties of the \XRes state are extracted. The violet band represents the $C_\mathrm{LL} ^\mathrm{res}(\kstar)$ correlation multiplied by the corresponding weight $(1-\omega)$, while the olive green band is the $\omega C_\mathrm{LL} ^\mathrm{ non-res}(\kstar)$. The orange band represents the $C_\mathrm{background}(\kstar)$ modeled using the Monte Carlo simulations multiplied by the constant $N_D$. Lower panel: $n_\sigma$ deviation between data and model in terms of numbers of standard deviations.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper