Figure Caption
Invariant mass distribution of J/$\psi$ candidates in \pp~collisions at \sthirteen\ for $8 \pT 15 $ \GeVc~(left) and $30 \pT 40 $ \GeVc~(right). The gray open markers depict the distribution for e$^+$e$^-$ pairs where at least one track could be matched to an \gls{EMCal} cluster. It is scaled by $1/2$ and $1/4$, respectively, for the different \pT\ intervals, to enhance the visibility. The black closed markers represent the distribution after applying the \gls{EMCal} \gls{PID} selections on at least one of the J/$\psi$ decay products The combined signal and background fit is shown by the blue line, while the polynomial background and pure signal fit are shown as gray and red lines respectively~.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper