Scope: PWG
PWG-LF (Light Flavour Spectra)
5.02 TeV
Figure Group
Figure Image

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Figure Caption
Left:Invariant mass distribution of \lmb {\ensuremath{\pi}\xspace} pairs for $\Sigma(1385)^{+}$ after subtraction of the mixed-event background in 0--10$\%$ central \PbPb collisions and $3.5 p_{\rm T} 4.5$~\GeVc. \\Right:Invariant mass distribution of \lmb {\ensuremath{\pi}\xspace} pairs for $\Sigma(1385)^{-}$ after subtraction of the mixed-event background in 30--50$\%$ centrality class and $2.5 p_{\rm T} 3.5$~\GeVc. The black curves represent the combined fit using a signal (continuous blue line) plus residual background (red dashed line) model, as described in the text.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper