Invariant mass fit of $\rm D_{s}^{+}$ candidates with $p_{\rm T}^{\rm D_{s}^{+}}$ from 6 to 8 $\rm GeV/\it{c}$ and $\rm 7 < \it{p}_{\rm T}^{\rm jet~ch.}~<\rm~15~GeV/\it{c}$ in MB (INEL > 0) pp collisions at 13 TeV.
Invariant mass fit of $\rm D_{s}^{+}$ candidates with $p_{\rm T}^{\rm D_{s}^{+}}$ from 6 to 8 $\rm GeV/\it{c}$ and $\rm 7 < \it{p}_{\rm T}^{\rm jet~ch.}~<\rm~15~GeV/\it{c}$ in MB (INEL > 0) pp collisions at 13 TeV.
$\rm D_{s}^{+}$ signal and $\rm D^{+}$ background are fitting by Gaussian function while other background using 2nd order polynomial function. The signal region is selected in $\pm 2\sigma$ around the $\rm D_{s}^{+}$. The sideband region is selected with $5\sigma$ width in the left $5\sigma_{2}$ and right $5\sigma$ away from the peaks.