Template fit to EMCal shower shape for charged-isolated clusters in p-Pb collisions at 8.16 TeV

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
8 TeV
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Exemplary $p_{T}$-bin showing the long axis of charged-isolated  EMCal/DCal showers in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8.16$ TeV. All clusters are required to fulfill a charged isolation of $p_{T}^{iso}<1.5 GeV$/c in a cone of R=0.4. The shower shape is fitted using a template fit, where the signal template is taken from Pythia8 Gamma-Jet sample. The background template is obtained from data by requiring an anti-isolation of $p_{T}^{iso}>4$ GeV/c. In addition, the background template is corrected for the correlation of shower shape and isolation quantity using a Jet-Jet Pythia8 MC. The obtained fit can be used to extract the purity of isolated clusters fulfilling $0.1<\sigma^{2}_{long}<0.3$, which is given in the legend.