$R_{\rm pPb}$ of prompt \PJpsi as a function of rapidity (left panel) and as a function of \pt along with that of inclusive \PJpsi at midrapidity (right panel). Results are shown in comparison with LHCb measurements~ at backward and forward rapidity in the left panel and with ATLAS results~ (shown up to $\pt = 20$ GeV/$c$) in the right-hand panel Statistical uncertainties are represented by vertical error bars, while open boxes correspond to systematic uncertainties. In the left panel, the systematic uncertainty of the ALICE data point includes also the contribution from the extrapolation procedure to go from the visible region ($\pt>1$~GeV/$c$) to $\pt>0$. The filled box around $R_{\rm pPb} = 1$ in the right panel indicates the size of the global relative uncertainty of the ALICE measurements. The results of various model predictions for prompt \PJpsi implementing different CNM effects are also shown~.
Figure extracted from paper