Figure 5b

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure image (.eps)
Figure Caption

The $\rLK$ ratio in \pPb collisions at \fivenn (upper panel) and pp collisions at \seven (lower panel) as a function of \Vzero{}-particle $\pT$, associated with charged jets with $\pTjch>10$~\GeVc (for both pp and p--Pb collisions) and $20$~\GeVc (for p--Pb collisions only) together with that in inclusive and PC selection, and JC selection in case of pp collisions The systematic uncertainties (open boxes) are fully uncorrelated with $\pT$ In both upper and lower panels, the black dashed curves are the results for inclusive $\Vzero$s from \Pythia~$8$ simulations The jet selection within \Pythia~$8$ is made using the generator level information with $\pTjch>10$~\GeVc shown as the red curves.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper