(Upper panel) The \pT~spectra of \simplekstarch~in inelastic pp collisions at \sqrtS~=~5.02 and 13~TeV (full symbols) are compared to the \pT~spectra~of \Kpm~mesons (open symbols) at the same energies~. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are reported as error bars and boxes, respectively. Red, blue and black lines represent the \K~spectra predicted with PYTHIA6-Perugia 2011~, PYTHIA8-Monash 2013~ and EPOS-LHC~, respectively. (Middle panels) The ratios of the rebinned predictions to the measured \pT~distributions for \Kpm~are reported in the two middle panels. The shaded bands represent the fractional uncertainties of the data points. (Bottom panels) The ratio of each measured \pT~distribution for \simplekstarch~mesons at \sqrtS~=~5.02 (red points) and 13~TeV (black points) to the \K~spectrum at the same collision energy is reported in the bottom panels. Red, blue and black lines represent the \simplekstarch/K ratio predicted with PYTHIA6-Perugia 2011~, PYTHIA8-Monash 2013~ and EPOS-LHC~, respectively.
Figure extracted from paper