$p_T$ dependence of $J/\psi$ $v_2$ for various collision systems
$p_T$ dependence of $J/\psi$ $v_2$ for various collision systems
Data points for pp are obtained following the procedure detailed in the AN and the p-Pb analysis (Phys. Lett. B 780 (2018) 7-20)
The non-flow suppression is done through yield subtraction.
Pb-Pb results and p-Pb results are directly coming from the cited references.
For pp data, the global uncertainty of 5.9% coming from the systematics on tracklet elliptic flow was incorporated to the systematic boxes of each point.
At mid-$p_T$ (starting at 3 GeV/c), a hint of elliptic flow hierarchy between system sizes may be visible.
For pp
Central class: 0-5%
Peripheral class: 40-100%
Centrality estimator: V0M
Data sample: Run2 pp (2016 to 2018 included)
Event cuts:
N_contrib > 0
Usual PU rejection + Multiplicity dependant PU rejection
σ_(Z_(vtx, SPD) )< 0.25 cm (if SPD Vertexer)
Z_vtx |<10 cm
η_SPD within SPD acceptance
ΔΦ_tracklets<10 mrad (azimuth difference between inner and outer SPD layers) – standard
(Di)Muon selection:
R_abs in [17.6, 89.5]
Match a trigger track with p_T >0.5 GeV
pDCA < 6σ
η_muon in acceptance
Dimuon charge = 0
y_dimu in acceptance
p_T_dimu in [0;12] GeV/c