Scope: PWG
PWG-MM (Monte Carlo generators and Minimum Bias)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption
Charged-particle pseudorapidity density (upper panels) and the same scaled by $1/\left(\dndeta\right)_\mathrm{incl.}$ (lower panels) for the 0--0.01 to 70--100\% multiplicity classes measured with the forward multiplicity estimator ($-3.7\eta-1.7$ and $2.8\eta5.1$) in pp collisions at \s~=~5.02, 7 and \unit[13]{TeV}. Correlated and uncorrelated systematic uncertainties are summed in quadrature in the upper panels and shown as boxes. Correlated systematic uncertainties are cancelled out in the lower panels.
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper