Raw primary \RatioAntip (left) and \RatioAntid (right) ratios as a function of the momentum $p_{\rm primary}$. Experimental data are shown in blue, the statistical and systematic uncertainties are shown as vertical bars and boxes. The results from ALICE MC simulations based on \geantf using the FTFP\_INCLXX\_EMV physics list are shown in black. The width of the MC band represents the statistical uncertainty of the simulation. The global uncertainty due to the primordial ratio (1.5\% for $\bar{\rm p}/\rm{p}$ and 3\% for $\bar{\rm d}/\rm{d}$) is not shown in the top panels. The bottom panels display the ratios of experimental data to MC simulations with statistical, systematic and global uncertainties added in quadrature.
Figure extracted from paper