Figure 11b

Scope: PWG
PWG-DQ (Dileptons and Quarkonia)
8 TeV
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Figure Caption

Inclusive $\psi$(2S) $Q_{\rm pPb}$ as a function of $\langle N_{\rm coll} \rangle$ at backward (left) and forward (right) rapidity compared to J/$\psi$ $Q_{\rm pPb}$ and with the theoretical models. Vertical error bars represent the statistical uncertainties, while the open boxes around the data points correspond to the uncorrelated systematic uncertainties. The red and blue boxes around unity represent the correlated systematic uncertainty specific to the J/$\psi$ and $\psi$(2S), respectively. The grey box corresponds to the common systematic uncertainty correlated over $\langle N_{\rm coll}\rangle$.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper