
Scope: PWG
PWG-MM (Monte Carlo generators and Minimum Bias)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

Fig.8: Number density $\Nch$ (left) and $\sum \pt$  density (right) in the Transverse region for $\ptmin > 0.5$ ~\gmom\  at $\sqrt{s}=13~\TeV$ from ALICE ($|\eta| < 0.8$) and ATLAS ($|\eta| < 2.5$) measurements~\cite{JHEP03_2017_157}. The results are compared to \textsc{Pythia}~8 Monash-2013 calculations. The shaded areas represent the systematic uncertainties and vertical error bars indicate statistical uncertainties. No uncertainties are shown for the MC calculations.

Detail description

Fig.8: Number density $\Nch$ (left) and $\sum \pt$  density (right) in the Transverse region for $\ptmin > 0.5$ ~\gmom\  at $\sqrt{s}=13~\TeV$ from ALICE ($|\eta| < 0.8$) and ATLAS ($|\eta| < 2.5$) measurements~\cite{JHEP03_2017_157}. The results are compared to \textsc{Pythia}~8 Monash-2013 calculations. The shaded areas represent the systematic uncertainties and vertical error bars indicate statistical uncertainties. No uncertainties are shown for the MC calculations.