Charged jet RAA in Pb-Pb (0-10%, 5 TeV) for R=0.4, ML-based + area-based correction.

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Charged jet RAA in Pb-Pb (0-10%, 5 TeV) for R=0.4, ML-based + area-based correction. Area-based corrected results use leading track bias of 7 TeV to obtain stable results.

Detail description

Charged jet RAA in Pb-Pb (0-10%, 5 TeV) for R=0.4, ML-based + area-based correction. Area-based corrected results use leading track bias of 7 TeV to obtain stable results.

This plots updates ALI-PREL-324704 which showed slightly wrong results for the ML-based histogram due to a versioning error.