Figure 5d

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Lower-order contributions present in the $\pppiPlusMinus$ systems. The contributions of (a) $(\text{p--p})\text{--}\uppi^+$ and (b) $(\text{p--p})\text{--}\uppi^-$, as well as (c) $(\text{p--}\uppi^+)\text{--}\text{p}$ and (d) $(\text{p--}\uppi^-)\text{--}\text{p}$ are shown. The statistical (systematic) uncertainties are represented by the lines (boxes). The horizontal lines show the overall bin width, while the respective position of the marker presents the average $Q_3$ within this bin obtained from the mixed event distribution $N_{\text{mixed}}(Q_3)$.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper