Figure 4b

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
5.02 TeV
8 TeV
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Figure Caption

Isolated prompt photon inclusive production cross section in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=5.02$~ and \SI{8}{TeV}, and p--Pb collisions at $\snn=5.02$ and \SI{8.16}{TeV}. Vertical bars and boxes denote statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. Coloured lines denote JETPHOX pQCD calculations at NLO using the recent NNPDF4.0~ proton PDF and the nNNPDF3.0~ nuclear PDF. The BFG II~ fragmentation function is used to describe parton-to-photon fragmentation. Dashed coloured bands denote the theoretical scale uncertainties, and solid bands denote PDF uncertainties at 90\% CL.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper