Differential invariant yield of inclusive charged-particle jet in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeV without underlying event subtraction.
Comparisons with ALICE Run 2 and PYTHIA8 are presented.
Statistical errors shown as vertical error bars, systematic errors shown as shaded boxes
Data: LHC22o apass7 minimum bias samll
MC: LHC24f3b
Event selection:
Z vertex within 10 cm.
sel8 for data (kIsTriggerTVX && kNoTimeFrameBorder && kNoITSROFrameBorder),
selMC for MC (kIsTriggerTVX && kNoTimeFrameBorder)
Track selection:
MC true: Charged Primary particles by ALICE definition
MC reco & Data: globalTrack (ITS & TPC)
150 MeV/c < $p_{\rm T}$ < 100 GeV/c
$|\eta| < 0.9$
Jet reconstruction:
Anti-$k_{\rm T}$, $R = 0.4$
$|\eta_{\rm jet}| < 0.9 - R$
10 GeV/c < $p_{\rm T, jet}^{\rm reco}$ < 140 GeV/c