Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
13 TeV
Figure Group
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Figure Caption
Top: Ratios of PYTHIA\,8 and EPOS LHC predictions to data for $z^{\rm ch}$ distributions in different $p_{\rm T}^{\rm jet,\,ch}$ intervals in MB events for jet $R$ = 0.2 (left), 0.3 (middle), and 0.4 (right). Bottom: Ratios of PYTHIA\,8 predictions to data for $z^{\rm ch}$ distributions in different $p_{\rm T}^{\rm jet,\,ch}$ intervals in HM events for jet $R$ = 0.2 (left), 0.3 (middle), and 0.4 (right).
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper