Figure 5b

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
5.02 TeV
5.44 TeV
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Left: Normalized transverse momentum correlator, $\sqrt{ \llangle \Delta p_{{\rm T}1}\Delta p_{{\rm T}2} \rrangle }/\llangle p_{\rm T} \rrangle $, shown as a function of the average number of participant nucleons, $\langle{ N_{\rm part}}\rangle$, in \PbPb collisions at \snn = 2.76 and 5.02 TeV and Au--Au collisions at 0.2 TeV. right: Normalized transverse momentum correlator, $\sqrt{ \llangle \Delta p_{{\rm T}1}\Delta p_{{\rm T}2} \rrangle }/\llangle p_{\rm T} \rrangle $, plotted as a function $\langle{ N_{\rm part}} \rangle$ in \XeXe collisions at \snn = 5.44 TeV and \PbPb collisions at \snn = 5.02 TeV. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are represented by vertical bars and boxes respectively.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper