Figure 2a

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
5.02 TeV
5.44 TeV
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

Upper panels: Comparisons of the evolution of the strength of $\sqrt{ \llangle \Delta p_{\rm T1}\Delta p_{\rm T2} \rrangle }/{\llangle p_{\rm T} \rrangle }$ with produced charged-particle multiplicity densities, $\langle {\rm d}N_{\rm ch}/{\rm d}\eta\rangle$, in \PbPb collisions at \snn = 5.02 TeV (left) and \XeXe collisions at \snn = 5.44 TeV (right) with calculations using the HIJING and AMPT models. Lower panels: Ratios of the model calculations to measured $\sqrt{ \llangle \Delta p_{\rm T1}\Delta p_{\rm T2} \rrangle }/{\llangle p_{\rm T} \rrangle }$ Solid symbols represent the measured data with statistical (vertical bars) and systematic (boxes) uncertainties. Model calculations are shown with shaded bands denoting their statistical uncertainty.

Detail description

Figure extracted from paper