Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
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Figure Caption
Comparison of NS and AS per-trigger yields (first row) and widths (third row) for two $\pt^{\rm{e}}$ ranges $4 \pt^{\rm e} 7$ \GeVc ~and $7 \pt^{\rm e} 16$ \GeVc, as a function of $\pt^{\rm{assoc}}$ in p--Pb collisions. The ratios between the $7 \pt^{\rm e} 16$ \GeVc and $4 \pt^{\rm e} 7$ \GeVc yields and widths are shown in the second and fourth rows, respectively. The data are compared with PYTHIA8 Angantyr and EPOS3 predictions. The statistical (systematic) uncertainties are shown as vertical lines (empty boxes).
Detail description
Figure extracted from paper