Figure 1b

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

Invariant-mass distributions of the \Dzero- and \Lc-hadron candidates and their charge conjugates produced in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13~\TeV$ and reconstructed at midrapidity, shown in a selected \pt range. The values for the Gaussian mean $\mu$, width $\sigma$, and raw yield $S$ are reported. Top row: \DzerotoKpi meson candidates measured in the $2 \pt 4~\GeV/c$ interval. Middle row: \LctopKzeros baryon candidates measured in the $2 \pt 4~\GeV/c$ interval. Bottom row: \LctopKpi baryon candidates measured in the $2 \pt 4~\GeV/c$ interval. The corresponding BDT probability minimum threshold for the candidate selection is reported. The left (right) column corresponds to the prompt (non-prompt) \Dzero- and \Lc- hadron candidates enriched sample.

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Figure extracted from paper