D0-tagged jets compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 on left and to their ratio on right for $\alpha=1.5$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.

Scope: PWG
PWG-HF (Heavy Flavour)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Fully corrected jet angularity distributions of D0-tagged jets compared to semi-inclusive jets and to PYTHIA 8 on left  and the ratio of fully corrected jet angularity distributions of D0-tagged jet to semi-inclusive jet on right with the ratio to their PYTHIA 8 in bottom left panel for $\alpha=1.5$, $R=0.4$ in 10 < $p_{\rm T, ch. jet}$ < 20 GeV/c.