Energy flow distributions with model comparison Charged jets 40-60 GeV pp 13 TeV, R=0.35 to R=0.4

Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
13 TeV
Figure Image
Figure Caption

Top panel: Energy flow  distribution between jets with $R_{jet}$ =0.35 to $R_{jet}$=0.4 for  jets with 40 <$p_{T}$< 60 GeV/c in pp collisions at 13 TeV.

 Comparisons with PYTHIA8 and HERWIG simulations are depicted with shaded curves. The rectangular boxes at each data point correspond to the systematic uncertainties.

Bottom panel: Ratio of the model predictions by HERWIG and PYTHIA8 over the ALICE measurement of the energy flow distributions. The gray filled boxes correspond to the relative systematic uncertainties and the error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties of the ALICE data.