Isolated prompt photon production cross section in pp and p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8.16$ TeV. The pp measurement has been extrapolated from $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV using the JETPHOX program and NLO. The measurement is compared to NLO predictions at NLO using the NNPDF40 proton PDF, as well as the nNNPDF30 nuclear PDF. The BFG II fragmentation function is used to describe the fragmentation contribution. The PDF uncertainties are indicated by solid filled bands. The scale uncertainties have been evaluation by simultaneous variation of all three scales and is indicated by a dashed filled area. The measurement is performed in $\eta<0.7$ and uses a charged-only isolation of $p_{T}^{iso}<1.5$GeV/c in a cone of R=0.4.
Keywords: prompt photon, isolated prompt photon, cross section
Data sample: LHC12 for pp and LHC16rs for p-Pb