Charge conservation effect in first longitudinal coefficient a_{1} as a function of <dNch/deta> in Xe-Xe collisions

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
5.44 TeV
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Figure Caption

The first longitudinal coefficient a1 as a function of <dNch/deta> in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV, compared between data and MC HIJING. Charge conservation effects studied with charged, and positive and negative only tracks. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included.

Detail description

The first longitudinal coefficient a1 as a function of <dNch/deta> in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV (LHC17n), compared between data and MC HIJING. a1 was computed EbyE using Legendre polynomial decomposition. The values used for <dNch/deta> are published values from ALICE (arXiv:1805.04432). Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included. Systematic errors are averaged along centrality. Systematic errors in Xe-Xe data are assigned from Pb-Pb data systematic errors.

Event acceptance:

  • 0.2<pT<2.0 GeV/c
  • -0.8<eta<0.8
  • -8<Vz<8 cm
  • FilterBit: 768
  • TPC Ncls > 70
  • TPC N crossed rows >70
  • number of eta bins: 16
  • Xe-Xe chi2/NDF<4
  • Charged/positive/negative tracks only

Systematic checks:

  • chi2/NDF<3.5 (Xe-Xe)
  • TPC N crossed rows >100
  • TPC Ncls >80
  • -7<Vz<7cm
  • -6<Vz<6cm
  • -8<Vz<-0.2 && 0.2<Vz<8 cm
  • FilterBit: 96
  • number of eta bins: 32