Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
5.02 TeV
Figure Image

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Figure Caption
Contributions (reconstruction, identification, isolation) used to calculate the total efficiency as a function of the reconstructed pT.
Detail description
The figure contains following efficiencies:
- Isolation efficiency = ( [dN_{iso}] / [p^{gen}_{T}] ) / ( [dN_{all}] / [p^{gen}_{T}] )
- Reconstruction+Identification efficiency = ( [dN_{iso}] / [p^{rec}_{T}] ) / ( [dN_{all}] / [p^{gen}_{T}] )
- Total efficiency = ( [dN_{iso}] / [p^{rec}_{T}] ) / ( [dN_{iso}] / [p^{gen}_{T}] )
Keywords: EMCal, Isolated Photons
Data sample: LHC13d, LHC13e, and LHC13f
Data: Reco Pass: Pass 4, ESDs
MC: gamma Jet LHC17g6a1