Scope: PWG
PWG-JE (Jets)
8 TeV
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Figure Caption
Isolated photon cross section compared with theory.
NLO calculations scaled down by the partonic to hadronic isolation efficiency κiso
The comparison model is NLO JETPHOX with NNPDOF40 / BFG II FF, and NLO calculations (CT18 PDF, GRV FF) from Werner Vogelsang.
Detail description
Data - LHC12 AOD, MC - GJ, JJhigh.
Shower shape long axis: 0.1 - 0.3. Isolation criteria: Only charged particles in cone size R=0.4 and p_{T}^{iso} < 1.5 GeV/c.
NLO calculations from Werner Vogelsang (CT18 PDF, GRV FF).
Model comparison using JETPHOX (NNPDF40 / BFG II FF).