Symmetric cumulants SC(3,2) in pp with different 3-sub configurations

Scope: PWG
PWG-CF (Flow and Correlations)
13 TeV
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Figure Caption

Multiplicity dependence of symmetric cumulants SC(3,2) in pp collisions. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties as boxes. The observables are measured using multiparticle correlation, with the three-subevent method for the four-particle cumulants. The 3,2|-2|-3 + s.c. represents two particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of 3 and 2 selected from one side, one particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of -2 selected from middle, and another particle associated with flow harmonic coefficient of -3 from the other side of the \eta region. The meaning of -3|3,2|-2 + s.c. and 3,2|-3|-2 are similar. The combined means to take the average of all the configurations. 

Detail description

Keywords: symmetric cumulants


pp sample: all pp sample of LHC16, LHC17, LHC18.

Reco pass: pp pass1